
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of
Maven Install Plugin 3.0.0.

Plugin is Java7 level and compatible with Maven 3.2.5+


NOTE: Release 3.0.0 has a regression related to install-file Mojo that
slipped release, so immediately after 3.0.0 release, 3.0,1 release will

Release Notes - Maven Install Plugin - Version 3.0.0
** Bug
    * [MINSTALL-115] - Setting installAtEnd causes no installs to occur
when a multimodule project has multiple class realms
    * [MINSTALL-154] - Remove link on index page to checksum example page
** Task
    * [MINSTALL-153] - Remove the updateReleaseInfo parameter's leftovers
    * [MINSTALL-171] - Update plugin (requires Maven 3.2.5+)
    * [MINSTALL-177] - Cleanup the plugin
** Dependency upgrade
    * [MINSTALL-155] - Upgrade maven-artifact-transfer 0.10.1
    * [MINSTALL-158] - Upgrade maven-artifact-transfer to 0.11.0
    * [MINSTALL-166] - Upgrade maven-artifact-transfer 0.13.1
    * [MINSTALL-167] - Upgrade parent to version 34
    * [MINSTALL-172] - Upgrade maven-plugin parent to 35
    * [MINSTALL-174] - Upgrade maven-plugin parent to 36

Have fun
- The Apache Maven Team

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