The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the
Maven Resolver 1.9.19:

The 1.x resolver lineage is in "bugfix only" maintenance mode.


Release Notes - Maven Resolver - Version 1.9.19

** Bug
    * [MRESOLVER-483] - PreorderNodeListGenerator bug: may print trailing
    * [MRESOLVER-522] - File locking threads not entering critical region
were "oversleeping"
** Improvement
    * [MRESOLVER-536] - Skip setting last modified time when FS does not
support it
** Dependency upgrade
    * [MRESOLVER-527] - Hazelcast 5.3.7
    * [MRESOLVER-528] - Redisson 3.28.0
    * [MRESOLVER-529] - Commons Codec 1.16.1
    * [MRESOLVER-530] - Eclipse Sisu 0.9.0.M2
    * [MRESOLVER-531] - Maven 3.9.6 (demos)
    * [MRESOLVER-532] - Guice 6.0.0 (and Guava 33.1.0)
    * [MRESOLVER-533] - Jetty 9.4.54 (used in tests)

Have fun,
-The Apache Maven team

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