[this announcement is available online at

300 Million Downloads of Apache OpenOffice®

With great pleasure we have seen that Apache OpenOffice® was downloaded
more than 300 million times from 2011 until now, October 24th. Here
included are more than 200 million downloads of all releases in the
4.1.x branch. This was reached with our partner SourceForge.net.

Of course there are some other ways like alternative servers hosted by
Apache itself. So, actually we don't know these numbers but it is for
sure that we are already a lot above the 300 million downloads line. And
when we include also the copies on CDs and DVDs then we can add another
big number on top.

Currently we are very busy with baking our next release: Apache
OpenOffice 4.1.8. Nevertheless, it is worth taking a few minutes to
celebrate this milestone.

For some detailed statistics please see the blog post at:

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