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Association E-Newsletter
February 20th, 2018 | Issue 3

In This Issue


*         WISPA Reps Working Overtime to Shape CBRS Rules


*         CBRS "Big Tent" Letter To The FCC


*         WISPA Praises Trump's Rural Infrastructure Plan, But Cautions Against 
Over-Reliance on Federal Subsidies


*         Recap of CBRS Panel Sponsored by WiFi Forward


*         ICYMI: Recent News Clips

Event Updates


 14-days until WISPAMERICA 2018

 WISPAMERICA 2018: Exhibitor hall is fully booked

 WISPAMERICA 2018: Agenda is almost complete 

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WISPA Reps Working Overtime to Shape CBRS Rules

In case you hadn’t heard, WISPA is in the midst of its most aggressive advocacy 
effort ever, working to block the mobile industry’s demands to erect barriers 
to our sector in the Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) spectrum band 
(3550-3700 MHz). Here’s an update on where we stand.

 >>Read More 












CBRS "Big Tent" Letter To The FCC


As part of our continued advocacy on CBRS, WISPA participated in the 
development of the attached "big tent” letter which was signed by more than 160 
companies, including dozens of WISPA members.

 >>Read More 












WISPA Praises Trump's Rural Infrastructure Plan, But Cautions Against 
Over-Reliance on Federal Subsidies


“We are excited by the president’s focus on rural broadband,” said WISPA 
Chairman Chuck Hogg. “With an estimated 24 million rural Americans on the wrong 
side of the digital divide, there is no higher priority in U.S. telecom policy 
than closing the rural broadband gap.”   
 >>Read More 











Recap of CBRS Panel Sponsored by WiFi Forward

On February 14, the advocacy group WiFi Forward hosted a panel discussion 
entitled, “Enabling the Future of Wireless with CBRS,” featuring WISPA Director 
Jeff Kohler of Rise Broadband; Michael Fitzpatrick of General Electric; Jason 
Davila of Wave Wireless; Tom Struble of R Street Institute; and moderator Drew 
Fitzgerald of the Wall Street Journal. Fitzgerald said the FCC’s current rules 
in the CBRS spectrum band are "the best path to US global leadership in 5G," 
whereas the changes proposed by Big Mobile would lead to less investment by GE, 
its customers, and thousands of innovators. To watch the panel, click here:  











ICYMI: Recent News Clips



License Size Matters to Industrial Internet of Things

Substantial private investment in the Industrial Internet of Things is in 
jeopardy from what appears to be a modest change in the size of key spectrum 
licenses proposed by the FCC.

 >>Read at BNA.com 



Editor’s Corner—Fixed wireless is a big deal. Here’s why


The fixed wireless wave is coming. And by all indications, it’s going to be big.

Although the technology has been around for a long time (wireless local loop 
anyone?) things in the space today appear to be finding much more solid 
footing. And all indications are that fixed wireless is poised to begin 
accelerating in the near future, at a dramatic pace.

 >>Read at FierceWireless.com 





Share Your Horrors From The Field

Missing a tower? Providing service to an entire neighborhood for the price of 
one household? What about that creepy customer who keeps requesting an in-home 
service call from one specific tech? We'd love to share your funny or scary 
story with our readers. Email us your short story at  













Don’t miss your opportunity to join this elite community for three days of 
education, inspiration, technology demos, and networking! Learn more and  
 register for WISPAMERICA 2018 today! 



Top-tier Training

Three days of hands-on training and interactive sessions featuring some of the 
brightest minds in the industry.

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85+ Exhibitors

Test-drive the latest products and services from leading brands in 
WISPAMERICA's exhibit hall.

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WISPA is a 501.c6 advocacy organization that promotes the development, 
advancement, and unification of the wireless internet service provider industry.

4417 13th St. #317 Saint Cloud, FL 34769
(c) 2017 All rights reserved.


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