Tryton Release 7.4

We are proud to announce the 7.4 release of Tryton .
This release provides many bug fixes, performance improvements and some fine tuning.
You can give it a try on the demo server, use the docker image or download it here.
As usual upgrading from previous series is fully supported.

Here is a list of the most noticeable changes:

Changes for the User


The Many2Many widget now has a restore button to revert the removal of records before saving.

The CSV export window stays open after the export is done so you can refine your export without having the redo all of the configuration.
It also supports exporting and importing translatable fields with a language per column.
The error messages displayed when there is a problem with the CSV import have been improved to include the row and column number of the value that caused the error.

The management window for the favourites has been removed and replaced by a simple “last favorite first” order.

The focus goes back to the search entry after performing a search/refresh.

You can now close a tab by middle clicking on it (as is common in other software).

Web Client

The left menu and the attachment preview can now be resized so the user can make them the optimal size for their screen.


The minimal chart of accounts has been replaced by the a universal chart of accounts which is a good base for IFRS and US GAAP.

It is now possible to copy an accounting move from a closed period. The closed period will be replaced by the current period after accepting the warning.

The payments are now numbered to make it easier to identify them inside the application.
An option has been added to the parties to allow direct debits to be created based on the balance instead of the accounting lines.
We’ve added a button on the Stripe payments and Stripe and Braintree customers to allow an updated to be forced. This helps when fixing missed webhooks.

When a stock move is cancelled, the corresponding stock account move is now cancelled automatically.
But it now no longer possible to cancel a done stock move which has been included in a calculation used for anglo-saxon accounting.


It is now possible to deactivate an agent so that they are no longer used for future orders.


It is now possible to add a company logo. This is then displayed in the header of generated documents.


A warning is now raised when the incoterm of a shipment is different from the original document (such as the sale or purchase).


We’ve added more identifiers for parties like the United Kingdom Unique Taxpayer Reference, Taiwanese Tax Number, Turkish tax identification number, El Salvador Tax Number, Singapore’s Unique Entity Number, Montenegro Tax Number and Kenya Tax Number.


We’ve added a wizard to manage the replacement of products. Once there is no more stock of the replaced product in any of the warehouses, all the stock on all pending orders are replaced automatically.

A description can now be set for each product image.

There is now a button on the price list form to open the list of lines. This is helpful when the price list has a lot of lines.


It is now possible to cancel a done production. All its stock moves are then cancelled.

The Bill of Materials now have an auto-generated internal code.


The wizard to handle exceptions has been improved to clearly display the list of lines to recreate and the list of lines to ignore.

The menu entry Parties associated to Purchases has been removed in favour of the per party reporting.

The purchase amendment now supports amending the quantity of a purchase line using the secondary unit.


It is now no longer possible to delete non-pending inspections.


The wizards to handle exceptions have been improved to clearly display the list of lines to recreate and the list of lines to ignore.

The menu entry Parties associated to Sales has been removed in favor of the per party reporting.

A warning is now raised when the user tries to submit a complaint for the same origin as an existing complaint.

The reporting can be grouped per promotion.

From a promotion, it is now possible to list of the sales related to it.
The coupon number of promotion can now be reused once the previous promotion has expired.

The sale amendment now supports amending the quantity of a sale line using the secondary unit.


It is now possible to cancel a done shipment. When this happens the stock moves of the shipment are cancelled.

The task to reschedule late shipments now includes any shipment that is not yet done.

The supplier shipments no longer have a default planned date.

The customer shipments now have an extra state, Shipped, before the Done state.

The lot trace now shows the inventory as a document.

The package weight and the warehouse are now criteria that can be used when selecting a shipping method.

Changes for the System Administrator

The clients automatically retry 5 times on a 503 Service Unavailable response. They respect the Retry-After value if it is set in the response header. This is useful when performing short maintenance on the server without causing an interruption for the users.

The scheduled tasks now show when they are running and prevent the user from editing them (as they are locked anyway).
We also store their last duration for a month by default. So the administrator can analyze and find slow tasks.

It is now possible to configure a license key for the TinyMCE editor.
Also TinyMCE has been updated to version 7.

It is now possible to configure the command to use to convert a report to a different format. This allows the use of an external service like document-converter.


The Accounting Party group has been merged into the *Accounting" group.

We now raise a warning when the user is changing one of the configured credentials used on external services. This is to prevent accidental modification.

Document Incoming

It is now possible to set a maximum size for the content of the document incoming requests.

Inbound Email

It is now possible to set a maximum size for the inbound email requests.

Web Shop

There is now a scheduled task that updates the cache that contains the product data feeds.

Changes for the Developer


The ORM supports SQL Range functions and operators to build exclusion constraints. This allows, for example, the use of non-overlapping constraints using an index.
On PostgreSQL the btree_gist extension may be needed otherwise the ORM will fallback to locking querying the table.
The SQLite backend adds simple SQL constraints to the table schema.

The relational fields with a filter are no longer copied by default. This was a frequent source of bugs as the same relational field without the filter was already copied so it generated duplicates.

We’ve added a sparkline tool to generate textual sparklines. This allows the removal of the pygal dependency.

The activate_modules from testing now accepts a list of setup methods that are run before taking the backup. This speeds up any other tests which restore the backup as they then do not need to run those setup methods.

The backend now has a method to estimate the number of rows in a table. This is faster than counting when we only need an estimate, for example when choosing between a join and a sub-query.

We’ve added a ModelSQL.__setup_indexes__ method that prepares the indexes once the Pool has been loaded.

It is now possible to generate many sequential numbers in a single call. This allows, for example, to number a group of invoices with a single call.

The backend now uses JSONB by default for MultiSelection fields. It was already supported, but the database needed to be altered to activate the feature.

You can now define the cardinality (low, normal or high) for the index usage. This allows the backend to choose an optimal type of index to create.

We now have tools that apply the typing to columns of an SQLite query. This is needed because SQLite doesn’t do a good job of supporting CAST.

The RPC responses are now compressed if their size if large enough and the client accepts it.

The ModelView._changed_values and ModelStorage._save_values are now methods instead of properties. This makes it is easier to debug errors because AttributeError exceptions are no longer hidden.

The scheduled task runner now uses a pool of processes for better parallelism and management. Only the running task is now locked.

We’ve added an environment variable TEST_NETWORK so we can avoid running tests that require network access.

There is now a command line option for exporting translations and storing them as a po file in the corresponding module.
Tryton sets the python-format flag in the po file for the translations containing python formats. This allows Weblate (our translation service) to check if the translations keep the right placeholders.


The payment amounts are now cached on the account move line to improve the performance when searching for lines to pay.
The payment amounts now have to be greater or equal to zero.


Only purchase lines of type line can be used as an origin for a stock move.


Only sales lines of type line can be used as an origin for a stock move.

The fields from the Sale Shipment Cost Module are now all prefixed with sale_.


Cancelled moves are no longer included in the shipment and package measurements.

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