
I have something like this in a templates/file.j2  file (happens to be a 
kafka broker config):

{% set zoo_private_ips=[] %}
{% for host in groups['zookeeper-nodes'] %}
   {% do zoo_private_ips.append(hostvars[host]['private_ip_address']) %}
{% endfor %}

zookeeper.connect={{ zoo_private_ips | 
join(":{0},".format(zookeeper_client_port)) }}:{{ zookeeper_client_port }}

But now I want to use the value of the zookeeper.connect variable in some 
other task within tasks/main.yml.
Is there some way I can generate the zookeeper.connect value somewhere 
before the tasks run and then pass it both to the template module task 
(i.e., for config shown above) and my other new task?


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