>From my understanding non-Administrators cannot create/modify/remove/view 
Scheduled tasks by default. Each task itself is governed by the NTFS 
security ACL of the XML definition file located in 
C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\*.xml, here are the default permissions set when 
creating a task.


>From these permissions, you can see

* The user who created the task has Read permissions

* All Administrators of the machine have full control over the task 
(inherited from the parent folder)

* SYSTEM has special permissions but is SYSTEM so is god

I can prove this works in a playbook running on Ansible (devel)

- hosts: Adhoc
gather_facts: no
- name: remove test file
path: C:\temp\test
state: absent
- name: create scheduled task
name: Test
username: '{{ansible_user}}'
password: '{{ansible_password}}'
logon_type: password
- path: cmd.exe
arguments: /c mkdir C:\temp\test
- name: check list of groups user is member of
win_command: whoami.exe /groups
register: groups_output
- name: show user's groups
var: groups_output.stdout_lines

- name: run scheduled task
win_command: schtasks.exe /Run /TN Test

- name: get stat of test file to prove task ran
path: C:\temp\test
register: stat
- name: file folder stat
var: stat

Here is the output of the main tasks


This works on all OS's I've tested so far but unfortunately I can replicate 
the issue with Server 2016 and non admin users. Usually I can add the user 
account to the XML ACL and then be able to run the task but not on Server 
2016 as you have reported. It seems like Microsoft has restricted the 
permissions that are required to execute a scheduled task that a normal 
user does not have permission for but I cannot find out what that may be. 
Because this is an issue with Windows and not Ansible, I would say there is 
not much we can do about it and the use case is probably quite minimal but 
I've happy to be proven otherwise.

>From an Ansible standpoint, yes it would be nice for a non-admin account to 
run a scheduled task but IMO non-admin users should never be able to modify 
a task. This opens up a pretty big security hole as a non-admin user would 
then have the ability to change what is run by the scheduled task and 
potentially allow a custom script to be executed by a higher account 
without knowing the password.

This begs the question, what are you trying to do as scheduled tasks can be 
fragile and annoying to work with and there may be other options available 
for you in Ansible. Traditionally scheduled tasks are used by tools to 
bypass WinRM restrictions such as no access to WUA and DPAPI. This is how 
the Packer elevated shell process works and is pretty much done everywhere 
that deals with WinRM as it is simple and get's the job done *most of the 
time*. This can still be done in Ansible with an admin account (even on 
2016) but using become is a way better option, in 2.5 we even have an 
example on how to do 
Even so, using become is generally recommended as we don't need to mess 
around with creating the task and ensuring it starts, cleaning it up 
afterwards, and somehow getting the stdout/stderr/rc values from the 
process. Plus with become we can run it with modules whereas scheduled 
tasks can only be used to run individual commands.



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