On Tuesday, February 27, 2018 at 11:16:28 PM UTC-8, Guillem Sola wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to run some integration tests from ubuntu against a windows10 
> host with
> ./ansible-test windows-integration -v win_xml --allow-destructive
> Test tasks starts but it complains
> fatal: [windows10]: FAILED! => {"msg": "winrm send_input failed; \nstdout: 
> Unable to initialize device PRN\r\nUnable to initialize device 
> PRN\r\nUnable to initialize device PRN\r\n\nstderr ANSIBALLZ_WRAPPER : The 
> term 'ANSIBALLZ_WRAPPER' is not recognized as the name \r\nof a cmdlet, 
> function, script file, or operable program.
> I haven't been able to find what this wrapper is about
> This looks like the module is being run via powershell but it's being 
treated as a new-style python module (which is wrapped in a python wrapper 
script before being executed on the remote machine).  What is this win_xml 
module you're trying to test?  Maybe it's not being recognized as a 
powershell script?


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