I would like some other's thoughts on calling 'ansible-playbook' from 
within an Ansible role - essentially calling Ansible from Ansible. It 
certainly looks strange...*but it works*. And I'm not sure of another way 
to go about it in my specific scenario. Is this "OK" to do? Or a big no-no? 
If its a no, then what's the reasoning why? Is there a better way to 
achieve what I am trying to do?

Here's my scenario...

I want to use an existing *collection of roles* (not a single role), that 
has its own playbook provided, and automate downloading and using it with 
Ansible (and do other things in addition to that).  Because it is a 
collection of roles with a playbook I need to call, I cannot use 

More specifically, I want to automate the creation of a kubernetes cluster 
using Kubespray (https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/kubespray). 
Instead of instructing the user to manually download kubespray, manually 
unzip it, and manually run it, then finally run my role that does 
additional things, I've automated all of it via Ansible.  Here's what I'm 

    - name: Downloading Kubespray
        dest: "~/.ansible/kubespray-2.4.0.zip"
    - name: Extracting Kubespray
        src: "~/.ansible/kubespray-2.4.0.zip"
        dest: "~/.ansible/"

    #In this shell command, 'cluster.yml' is the playbook provided by 

    - name: Creating kubernetes cluster with Kubespray.
      shell: "ansible-playbook -i ~/.ansible/kubespray/inventory/hosts.ini 
      register: ansible_output
    # Other things 
    # Other things
    # etc, etc

Is this an acceptable approach? Certainly calling ansible from ansible 
seems odd, but it works.

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