
As previously announced, Ansible has adopted upstream maintenance for 
ansible-lint and Molecule. See Sept 26th mailing list post 
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ansible-project/ehrb6AEptzA> for 
the background.

What will change:

   GitHub repos for both projects
      github.com/willthames/ansible-lint/ will move to 
      github.com/metacloud/molecule will move to 
      All history (including Issues & PRs) will be migrated
   Docker location for Molecule
      Docker image will be published to quay.io/repository/molecule [1]
      The existing https://hub.docker.com/r/retr0h/molecule/ will not 
      receive further updates.
      Details on how pull from the new location will be included in follow 
      up email

What will remain the same:

      PyPi package name molecule <https://pypi.org/project/molecule/>
         Continue to install with pip install molecule
         Upgrade from previous versions seamlessly
      Documentation at https://molecule.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 
      Community communications
         #molecule-users on Freenode IRC
      PyPi package name ansible-lint <http://pypi.org/project/ansible-lint>
         Continue to install with pip install ansible-lint
         Upgrade from previous versions seamlessly

Timing and next steps

We will move the GitHub repos and make the associated updates the week of 
29th October. Once the repo move has been completed and documentation has 
been rebuilt we will release new versions of both projects. We’ll send 
release announcements to the ansible-announce mailing list 
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ansible-announce> and to the 
relevant community lists.

What you will need to do after the changes:

   If you've checked out the code for either project, you’ll need to update 
   your git remote. 
   If you’re using Molecule from hub.docker.com, you’ll need to to update 
   your docker registry. 
   We’ll provide more details when the changes have been made.

To find out more

Subscribe to the ansible-announce mailing list 

Kind regards,
John "gundalow" Barker
Ansible by Red Hat

[1] Note, that these new URLs will not exist till the move is complete

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