On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 5:37 PM Brian Coca <bc...@redhat.com> wrote:

> 1 play before your normal play:
> hosts: hosta,hostb
> gather_facts: False
> tasks:
>    - ping:
>    - group_by: key=rechable
> hosts: reachable
> ....
> ----------
> Brian Coca

Thanks for mentioning the 'ping' module - that is new to me.  (It checks
ssh connection and python, not an icmp ping)
But I don't see "reachable" as a return value in the docs.

Looks like that will run it for both hosts, which is not what the requestor
wanted.  More like:

hosts: hosta
gather_facts: False
   - ping:
     register: pingtest
   - hosts: hostb
     when: pingtest.failed

But so far I cannot get it to work.

I am looking to use the same logic to connect to the internal or external
IP of an AWS server depending on where I happen to be running Ansible at
that moment.

Bob Harold

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