I am trying to "include" a lot of other playbooks in a "playbook of 
playbooks" (I am aware, and have tried to use, the *import_playbook* and 
*include* modules to no avail), and am trying to apply the *ignore_errors: 
yes* to the imported/included playbook; since I am testing, and not all 
hosts are available, I would like to ignore the connection errors.

How can I write my main playbook (*all-programs.yml*) such that I can run 
through *playbooks/program[A-Z].yml* while ignoring errors should they 

I am running Ansible v. 2.7.10, with the following layout
├── group_vars
│   └── superGroup
│       ├── vars.yml
│       └── vault.yml
├── hosts
├── playbooks
│   ├── *all**-programs.**yml* # This is the playbook that I am struggling 
to write
│   ├── programA.yml
│   ├── programB.yml
│   ├── programC.yml
│   ...
├── roles
│   ├── programA
│   │   └── tasks
│   │       └── main.yml
│   ├── programB
│   │   └── tasks
│   │       └── main.yml
│   ├── programC
│   │   └── tasks
│   │       └── main.yml

Here is what I have tried in *playbooks/all-programs.yml* so far (here, ... 
means the end of the YAML file):
# Attempt 1
- name: Run playbook for ProgramA
  import_playbook: "{{ playbook_dir }}/programX.yml"
  ignore_errors: yes 

- name: Run playbook for ProgramB
  import_playbook: "{{ playbook_dir }}/programY.yml"
  ignore_errors: yes 



# Attempt 2
- name: Run playbook for ProgramA
  include: "{{ playbook_dir }}/programA.yml"

- name: Run playbook for ProgramB
  include: "{{ playbook_dir }}/programB.yml"


# Attempt 3
- name: Run playbook for ProgramA
  hosts: localhost
    - include: "{{ playbook_dir }}/programA.yml"

- name: Run playbook for ProgramB
  hosts: localhost
    - include: "{{ playbook_dir }}/programB.yml"


# Attempt 4
- name: Run all playbooks in a block
  hosts: localhost
      - name: Try ProgramA playbook
            - name: "playbook for programA"
              import_playbook: "{{ playbooks_dir }}/programA.yml"
            - debug:
                msg: "programA manipulation playbook failed"
        ignore_errors: yes

      - name: Try ProgramB playbook
            - name: "playbook for programB"
              import_playbook: "{{ playbooks_dir }}/programB.yml"
            - debug:
                msg: "no programB"
        ignore_errors: yes

Running with the following command line for each attempt above yields:
ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i /path/to/hosts -e 
"playbook_dir=/path/to/playbooks" /path/to/playbooks/all-programs.yml

# Attempts 1-3:

PLAY [Run playbook for Program[A|B] *********************

TASK [(subtask of other_role)] **************************
fatal: [hostA-Z]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed: false", ...}

NO MORE HOSTS LEFT **************************************
    to retry, use: --limit @/path/to/retry


# Attempt 4:

PLAY [Run all playbooks in a block] *********************

TASK [Gathering Facts] **********************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [playbook for programA] ****************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "module_stderr": "", 
"module_stdout": "", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the 
exact error", "rc": 0}

TASK [playbook for programB] ****************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "module_stderr": "", 
"module_stdout": "", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the 
exact error", "rc": 0}

>From above, what might be the module failure being referred to?

General layout/schema of *playbooks/program[A-Z].yml* (here, ... means the 
end of the YAML file):
# playbooks/programA.yml
- name: Run role of ProgramX for required hosts
  hosts: hostA,hostC,groupB
  gather_facts: no
  strategy: free
    - programX

# playbooks/programB.yml
- name: Run role of ProgramY for required hosts
  hosts: hostD,groupW
  gather_facts: no
  strategy: free
    - programY

General layout/schema of *roles/program[A-Z]/tasks/main.yml* (here, ... 
means the end of the YAML file):
- name: Role for ProgramA
    name: other_role
    var1: something
    var2: somethingElse

Thank you for taking your time to read this post.
Any assistance would be appreciated.

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