Yes, clear, thanks Matt.
it just felt wrong to me - imposing a predefined dir structure to import a
collection from an arbitrary path. I tried symlinked dir, but didn't work
either :D.

Nevertheless, appreciate your comments, I will likely resort to using
`galaxy-install` as a step before running any playbooks during the dev time.
I was just feeling that I miss something obvious, but seems that I do not.

On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 9:17 PM Matt Martz <> wrote:

> Not positive I understand, but if you want to use some arbitrary
> directory, it must be in a path that matches
> `collections/ansible_collections/<namespace>/<name>`
> But my instructions still stand, regardless of using a vcs, they show how
> to put a collection in place without use of ansible-galaxy. You just need
> to drop the collection in a path that ansible is configured to look for,
> and it must be structured as I mentioned above.
> You can configure the paths that ansible looks using
> On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 2:09 PM Roman Dodin <> wrote:
>> Thanks Matt,
>> Q1 was not about vcs, maybe I poorly explained the problem. I was
>> wondering how to make a collection source to be picked up by the playbooks
>> *without* installing collection with galaxy-install.
>> I found only one way of doing it: tuning collections_path, but the
>> problem is that this cfg item expects a strict folder structure. e.g. it
>> needs to point to a dir D that has X/Y subdirs, where X is the namespace of
>> the collection and Y is the collection name. Clearly, this messes up with
>> whatever dir structure you have on your dev machine.
>> So if you started your project in dir structure such as ~/E/F, then you
>> can't use collections_path.
>> On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 8:57 PM Matt Martz <> wrote:
>>> 1) You just use normal `git` or whatever your version control system is:
>>> cd ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections
>>> rm -rf amazon/aws
>>> mkdir -p amazon
>>> cd amazon
>>> git clone aws
>>> 2) I don't know about IDEs, but the PYTHONPATH for those is managed by
>>> ansible during runtime effectively.  But basically, for the example above:
>>> PYTHONPATH=~/.ansible/collections/.  You can use `ansible-config dump |
>>> grep COLLECTIONS_PATHS` to see the default paths used.
>>> On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 12:58 PM Roman Dodin <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I am developing a collection following the dir layout as prescribed by
>>>> the skeleton.
>>>> I have the following 2 questions re dev workflows
>>>> 1) How do you install the collection that you're developing in the
>>>> "edit mode", like with pip you do `pip install -e`, and then you can do
>>>> changes to the modules on-the-fly and they will be picked up.
>>>> What is the alternative to that process with galaxy collection? Should
>>>> I always do a `galaxy collection install ...` and then run my playbooks
>>>> every time I touch the contents of my collection?
>>>> 2) When developing modules inside the collection people reference
>>>> funcs/methods from inside the very same collection, example -
>>>> How does this path get resolved? Who adds ansible_collection to the
>>>> How do I make my python IDE to resolve that path during the developments
>>>> Thank you, and appreciate your comments.
>>>> --
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>>>> .
>>> --
>>> Matt Martz
>>> @sivel
> --
> Matt Martz
> @sivel

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