
I am working on some tasks related with local facts and not sure whether 
followig issue is a bug or is designed.
Following ansible documentation localfacts can be in JSON or INI format. 
I've choosen JSON format - is much more easier to write variables like this:

  name: "apache"
  version: "1.0.4"
  status: "Installed"

Saving this with following task brings result:
- name: Write variable to json file
  copy: content="{{ module }}" dest=/etc/ansible/facts.d/{{ module.name 
        owner=root group=root mode=0644

{'status': 'Installed', 'version': '1.0.4', 'name': 'apache'}

However python is not able read this anymore - including ansible:

ok: [IP-HERE] => 
    "msg": "work - variable: {u'apache': u'error loading fact - please 
check content'}" 

Command from python:
# cat apache.fact | python -mjson.tool
Expecting property name: line 1 column 1 (char 1)

Converting this local facts with following task / command - automatically 
allow read this file by python and ansible.

- name: Fix wrong json format in local facts
  shell: sed -i "s/'/\"/g" *.fact chdir=/etc/ansible/facts.d/

Could you advice whether I should raise this on Github bug list or this is 
working exectly as should? 

Best regards,
Marcin Praczko

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