Hi - I'm doing something which seems very simple - trying to create a file 
from a jinja template.

Here are my vars:

  host: ""
  options: "rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_subtree_check,async"
    host: ""
    options: "rw,nohide,insecure,no_subtree_check,async"
    shared_dir: "/mnt/video"

Here is the template which I'm using the test var fred:

{{export_root_dir}}     {{export_root.host}}({{export_root.options}})
{% for fred in exports %}
 {{ fred }}
 {{ fred.options }}
{% endfor %}
For some reason, fred.options fails with:

fatal: [althea.home.stanandliz.net] => {'msg': "One or more undefined 
variables: 'str object' has no attribute 'options'", 'failed': True}
fatal: [althea.home.stanandliz.net] => {'msg': "One or more undefined 
variables: 'str object' has no attribute 'options'", 'failed': True}

I have no idea why this should be the case. When I access fred, the 
template prints fine. It's when I try to access the dictionary in fred that 
I fail.

I'm sure there is a very simple fix to this, but after about an hour, I 
just can't get this to work. Can I have a few debugging clues?

many thanks in advance


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