Like i said move your ansible-hostname into the roles folder (if you don't 
have one make one). As far as i know ansible only loads roles from the 
roles folder, which is probably your issue.

Also his documentation is wrong, he doesn't use hostname_domain, he 
actually in the code uses hostname_fqdn instead. 

On Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 1:41:52 AM UTC-4, Kuberboef wrote:
> On Monday, 14 September 2015 18:01:34 UTC+2, Frank Perks wrote:
>> ansible-hostname is a role, and should be in the roles directory.
>> Assuming /home/stefaansm/trusty64/Ansible/ is where your playbooks are. 
>> Then ansible-hostname should be located at 
>> /home/stefaansm/trusty64/Ansible/roles/ansible-hostname
>> On Monday, September 14, 2015 at 8:20:06 AM UTC-4, Kuberboef wrote:
>>> Morning all
>>> I am sure this has been asked before, I just struggle to find it.
>>> I cloned
>>> Looks good and vagrant calls ansible successfully and all goes wel, 
>>> untill....
>>> I need to specify variables in the vars/main.yml file.
>>> hostname_name = mozzi
>>> hostname_domain =
>>> My error:
>>> ERROR: vars from 
>>> '/home/stefaansm/trusty64/Ansible/ansible-hostname/vars/main.yml' are not a 
>>> dict
>>> Now being a nube at this and not a programmers backside, I seem to be 
>>> lost here and doc's seem scarce.
>>> Mozzi
> Morning
> Okay contents of  ~/trusty64/Ansible
>  Ansible
> │   ├── ansible-hostname
> │   │   ├── defaults
> │   │   │   └── main.yml
> │   │   ├── LICENSE
> │   │   ├── meta
> │   │   │   └── main.yml
> │   │   ├──
> │   │   ├── tasks
> │   │   │   └── main.yml
> │   │   └── vars
> │   │       └── main.yml
> │   └── playbook.yml
> config in playbook:
> - hosts: all
>   roles:
>     - { role: ansible-hostname }
> So according to me the role is found and executed correctly, but there is 
> something wrong
> with the way I specify the hostnames in vars/main.yml.
> From the
> Role Variables
> --------------
>  * *hostname_name* - new hostname (not FQDN, before first dot)
>  * *hostname_domain* - new domain name
> Config in vars/main.yml:
> ---
> # vars file for hostname
>   hostname_name = mozzi
>   hostname_domain =
> Error I get:
> ERROR: vars from 
> '/home/stefaansm/trusty64/Ansible/ansible-hostname/vars/main.yml' are not a 
> dict
> How do I make this a dict?
> Again apologies for such a n00b question.

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