I am newbie to ansible. You can find it easily through this dump question. 
I have limited access to one user(selvam) which can ran limited commands 
using sudo option.
My sudoers file looks like below.
selvam  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service,/usr/bin/apt-get

I have tried to install apt package in remote machine using ansible 
playbooks as selvam user with sudo option.

Here is playbook file contents.

- hosts: host1
  remote_user: selvam
    - name: users package
      apt: name={{ item }} state=latest
      become: yes
        - nginx

But the problem is when i run this playbook, I am getting the error as 
"Missing become password". I need to install the package with passwordless.

When run this below command manually from my ansible host, it is working 
fine with passwordless. How can i accomplish the same through ansible 

[selvam@host1] $ ssh host1 sudo -u root apt-get install nginx

Ansible version:

$ ansible-playbook --version
ansible-playbook 1.9.4
  configured module search path = None

Let me know where I have to  modify my configs. 

Thanks in Advance.

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