On 11. okt. 2016 22:31, novice1...@gmail.com wrote:
#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook
  src_dir: /path/files
hosts: {{ targets }}
  - name: copying files
    command: "rsync -avrcz X:{{ src_dir }}/{{ artifacts }} {{ dest_dir }}"

My command line:

./playbook.yml -e '{"targets": "targets", "artifacts" : "{file1,file2,dir/file_x}", 
"dest_dir": "/yserv/dest/path"}'

This works and I am able to parallelize pretty decently, but I keep getting:

[WARNING]: Consider using synchronize module rather than running rsync

You can silence the messages by setting "warn: false" on the command task.
Can also be turn off globally by setting "command_warnings = False" in ansible.cfg

Kai Stian Olstad

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