On 01. des. 2016 13:23, thokar...@gmail.com wrote:
This is what I have now, and it is still not working.
- name: Get app version
  command: curl -H application/json localhost:8088/rs
  register: get_version
  ignore_errors: true

- name: Set app version as fact
          app_version: "{{ ((get_version |
default({'stdout':'N/A'})).stdout | from_json).version }}"
  ignore_errors: true

- name: Gather facts
  register: ansible_facts

Remove the register:, you don't need it.
If gather_facts is set to true you can remove the entire "Gather facts" task.

- name: Send facts somewhere
    module: uri
    url: "{{ some_url }}"
    method: PUT
    body: "{{ ansible_facts | combine(fact_app_version) | to_json }}"
    status_code: 204
    body_format: json

Change body to
body: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname] }}"

I am fairly certain what I am trying to do should be rather simply, however
the more I dig into it, the uglier it gets.
I want to add an optional fact to the dictionary of facts, and then send
all facts somewhere.
What is the suggested approach do accomplish this?

hostvars should contain all you need as it contains all your facts, variables and groups.

Kai Stian Olstad

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