On 19.01.17 19:43 Kai Stian Olstad wrote:

>> The foo playbook has templatized config files ... and there's the
>> rub. I want the foo playbook to work on s8 and s9, BUT, I want
>> different strings to be substituted when the template gets
>> processed, depending on whether I am on s8 or s9.

Kai already mentioned host_vars. If you rather want to do stuff in the
template, then do something like this:

- template:
    src: "foobar"
    dest: "/some/path"
  when: 'inventory_hostname == "s8" or inventory_hostname == "s9"'

In the template:

########### snip #############

{% if inventory_hostname == "s8" %}
Here is stuff for s8.
{% elif inventory_hostname == "s9" %}
Here is stuff for s9.
{% endif %}

########### snip #############


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