Listing aliases for servers in your inventory file can cause a race 
condition in some plays when executed multiple times per host. Avoid this.

On Monday, March 20, 2017 at 12:38:19 PM UTC-5, Gabriel Forster wrote:
> I have  certain servers that are called various things by different 
> members of my team. Some say "myserver1" others reference the same server 
> by a DNS alias "orangeserver" and others reference by another alias 
> "specialwebserver."
> Let's imagine that the above isn't going to change (at least not anytime 
> soon). Is there a way I can list all of the aliases in my hosts file, BUT 
> only have it run a given play on a server once? Obviously with 
> idempotentcy, it isn't horrible to have it run more than once, but the 
> redundancy isn't necessary either. 
> I'm open to any ideas. Obvious solution would be to get everyone calling 
> things by the same name, but, again, that just isn't going to happen.

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