I have a few questions on handling the creation/tear down of an ec2 

I have a role ( its a task atm, but Ill be migrating it over')

    - name: dallascowboys | Deployments
        customer_name: dallascowboys
        customer_ip: ''
        customer_instance_count: 1
        customer_eip_state: present
        customer_eni_state: present
        - dallascowboys

- name: Customer | Configure ENI
    state: "{{ customer_eni_state }}"
    description: '{{ customer_name }} ENI'
    private_ip_address: '{{ customer_ip }}'
    region: "{{ vpc_region }}"
    security_groups: "{{ secgrp_appliance_id }}"
    subnet_id: "{{ public_subnet_id }}"
  register: customer_eni

- name: Customer | Configure EIP
    state: "{{ customer_eip_state }}"
    region: "{{ vpc_region }}"
    in_vpc: true
    device_id: "{{ customer_eni.interface.id }}"

- name: Customer | Configure EC2 Instance
    key_name: "{{ aws_mfacloud_key }}"
    instance_type: t2.medium
    image: "{{ mfa_ami }}"
    region: "{{ vpc_region }}"
    instance_profile_name: '{{ role_appliance_name }}'
    network_interfaces: "{{ customer_eni.interface.id }}"
    user_data: "{{ lookup('file','windows-remoting') }}"
      Name: ec2-cloudmfa-{{ customer_name }}-prd
      Customer: "{{ customer_name }}"
      Environment: prd
      Patch Group: cloudmfa
      Ansible: true
      AMI: True
      Name: ec2-cloudmfa-{{ customer_name }}-prd
    exact_count: "{{ customer_instance_count }}"
  register: instance

- name: debug instance 
    var: instance

- name: Customer | Grab Password
    instance_id: "{{ instance.tagged_instances[0].id }}"
    region: "{{ vpc_region }}"
    key_file: "~/.ssh/{{ aws_mfacloud_key }}.pem"
    wait: yes
    wait_timeout: 300
  register: winpass

This works OK to spin an instance up, my issue is when I want to destroy 
the instance for some reason.  I first set count to 0, which causes the job 
to fail because the ec2_win_password module.  So I run it again, with eip 
absent and this works, but again fails on the ec2_win_password.  I then run 
it a third time with eni absent, and it fails with the following error.

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": 
> "state is absent but all of the following are missing: eni_id"}

My issues are.  Is there a better way to create these instances?  Its going 
to be ~20 or so instances, that are configured the same, but will end up 
with different software on them.  So I cant just say "spin up 20 
instances".  Is there a better way to have ec2_win_password only execute 
when I have created, or started an instance?  As opposed to turned 
off/terminated an instance?  I assume im missing something obvious about 
the tear down of the EIP and ENI as well.

Sorry for the vagueness here, I know im probably missing some info that 
would be helpful so please just ask.

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