On Tuesday, February 27, 2018 at 8:51:43 AM UTC-6, Kai Stian Olstad wrote:
> On Tuesday, 27 February 2018 00.04.31 CET Raja Shekar wrote: 
> > 
> > On Monday, February 26, 2018 at 11:00:57 AM UTC-6, Raja Shekar wrote: 
> > > 
> > >     "groups_out.stdout_lines": [ 
> > >         
> > > 
> > >         
> > > 
> > >         
> > > 
> > >         
> > > 
> > >         
> > > 
> > >         
> > > 
> > >         
> > > 
> > >     ] 
> > > } 
> groups_out.stdout_lines is a list element is a line so you can say 
> groups_out.stdout_lines.0 for the fist line 
> and groups_out.stdout_lines.1 for the second line 
> Since your csv contains the headers of the column this is going to be 
> problematic so I suggest you filter them out in your awk command. 
> > and also I updated the code now 
> > 
> > --- 
> >   - name: Run sqlplus command on {{ Shared DB }} 
> >     shell: source ~/.bash_profile && sqlplus -S '{{ SharedDB_username 
> }}/{{ 
> > SharedDB_password }}@{{ SharedDB_database_host }}:1521/{{ 
> > SharedDB_service_name }}' 
> > 
> @"/etc/ansible/playbooks/database/roles/oracle-sql/files/final_query.sql" 
> >     delegate_to: localhost 
> >     tags: clientSchema 
> > 
> >   - name: Run powershell script 
> >     script: files/DecryptCsv.ps1 -InputFilePath '{{ input_csv_path }}' \ 
> >                         -OutputFilePath '{{ output_csv_path }}' \ 
> >                         -PassPhrase '{{ pass_phrase }}' \ 
> >                         -SaltValue '{{ salt_value }}' \ 
> >                         -PasswordIterations {{ password_iterations }} \ 
> >                         -InitVector '{{ init_vector }}' 
> >     delegate_to: localhost 
> >     tags: clientSchema 
> > 
> >   - name: get CSV File Content 
> >     shell: source ~/.bash_profile && awk -F',' '!/^#/ && !/^$/ { print 
> }' 
> > "{{ output_csv_path }}" 
> >     register: groups_out 
> >     delegate_to: localhost 
> > 
> >   - debug: var=groups_out.stdout_lines 
> > 
> >   - name: Update the Client Schema 
> >     shell: source ~/.bash_profile && sqlplus -S '{{ item.1 }}/{{ item.2 
> > }}@{{ item.4 }}' @"roles/oracle-sql/files/Scripts/client_hotfix.sql" {{ 
> > item.0 }} 
> >     with_items: "{{ groups_out.stdout_lines }}" 
> >     delegate_to: localhost 
> with_items: "{{ groups_out.stdout_lines }}" will take the first item into 
> the variable item. 
> (I assume the line with the column names are removed) 
> This is one string so item will contain the whole line. 
> So getting element 0 from a string, item.0, will be the first character 
> and item.1 will be the second and so on. 
> You need to create list that split on the comma, item.split(',') will 
> create a list and item.split(',')[0] is the fist element "Client_Schema1" 
> and item.split(',')[1] the second one and so on. 
> Since you date contains double qoutes it will contain those qoutes, so if 
> they causing a problem you need to remove them. 
> > For some reason it's thinking that Item.0 as 1st position of line and 
> > item.1 as second position of line. 
> That is correct since you are doing this on a string... 
> > I am looking more like DB_SCHEMA as 
> > item.0, SYSTEM_USER as item.1 and so on...... 
> ...and not on a list 
> > Am I doing something wrong here?  and also Is that possible I can ignore 
> > line 1 which contains Field information? 
> Remove it in you awk where you remove empty lines and lines starting with 
> # 
> -- 
> Kai Stian Olstad 

Thanks Kai for detailed response, this looks more cleaner.

TASK [oracle-sql : debug] 
> **********************************************************************************************************
> Tuesday 27 February 2018  11:30:36 -0600 (0:00:00.224)       0:00:05.277 
> ******
>     "groups_out.stdout_lines": [
>      ]
> }

>   - name: Run sqlplus command on {{ Shared DB }}
>     shell: source ~/.bash_profile && sqlplus -S '{{ SharedDB_username 
> }}/{{ SharedDB_password }}@{{ SharedDB_database_host }}:1521/{{ 
> SharedDB_service_name }}' 
> @"/etc/ansible/playbooks/database/roles/oracle-sql/files/final_query.sql"
>     delegate_to: localhost
>     tags: clientSchema
>   - name: Run powershell script
>     script: files/DecryptCsv.ps1 -InputFilePath '{{ input_csv_path }}' \
>                         -OutputFilePath '{{ output_csv_path }}' \
>                         -PassPhrase '{{ pass_phrase }}' \
>                         -SaltValue '{{ salt_value }}' \
>                         -PasswordIterations {{ password_iterations }} \
>                         -InitVector '{{ init_vector }}'
>     delegate_to: localhost
>     tags: clientSchema
>   - name: Get CSV File Content with out header
>     shell: source ~/.bash_profile && awk -F',' '!/^#/ && !/^$/ && (NR!=1) 
> { print }' "{{ output_csv_path }}" | sed 's/\"//g'
>     register: groups_out
>     delegate_to: localhost
>   - debug: var=groups_out.stdout_lines
>     delegate_to: localhost
>   - name: Update the Client Schema
>     shell: source ~/.bash_profile && sqlplus -S '{{ item.1 }}/{{ item.2 
> }}@{{ item.4 }}' @"roles/oracle-sql/files/Scripts/client_hotfix.sql" {{ 
> item.0 }}
>     with_items: "{{ groups_out.stdout_lines }}"
>     delegate_to: localhost

How ever split option not working for me, Can you please provide sample 
snippet if possible for me to fetch individual items and split with comma 
Your help is highly appreciated on this. 

Thanks and Regards

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