On Tuesday, 6 March 2018 11.49.30 CET Marcos Georgopoulos wrote:
> Hi, I am trying to work out how to iterate through some results from a 
> command I am running on a network device. the idea is when I find the line 
> that matches what I am looking for based on a regexp I want to store it.
> tasks:
> - name: get the existing access-list
>  ios_command:
>  provider: "{{ cli }}"
>  commands:
>  - show access-list mgtaccess
>  register: result
> - debug: var=result.stdout_lines
> - name: Do something with each result
>  debug:
>  msg: "{{ item }}"
>  with_items:
>  - "{{ result.stdout_lines }}"
> This is the output from the task
> ok: [] => (item=[u'Standard IP access list mgtaccess', u'    20 
> permit', u'    10 permit', u'    30 permit any (2566 
> matches)']) => {
>     "changed": false, 
>     "failed": false, 
>     "item": [
>         "Standard IP access list mgtaccess", 
>         "    20 permit", 
>         "    10 permit", 
>         "    30 permit any (2566 matches)"
>     ], 
>     "msg": [
>         "Standard IP access list mgtaccess", 
>         "    20 permit",
>         "    10 permit", 
>         "    30 permit any (2566 matches)"
>     ]
> }
> I'm confused shouldn't I be seeing multiple individual 'msg's??

result.stdout_lines is a list that contains lists
So you have result.stdout_lines.0.0 the first line, result.stdout_lines.0.1 the 
second one and so on.

You can do 
  with_items: '{{ result.stdout_lines.0 }}'
to get what you are after.

Kai Stian Olstad

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