I have a large role, which I will break down into separate roles eventually.

For the moment, I am trying to use tags to selectively run bits of it, 
tagged e.g. "server", "portal" etc.

The role is called from this playbook:


- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

     - include_vars: blah_envs/{{env}}.yaml
     - include_vars: blah_envs/common.yaml

     - blah

The whole thing works fine if I just run that playbook, specifying a 
suitable value for "env".

However, if I also specify a tag on the command line e.g. "--tags server", 
Ansible gives me an error message:

   The task includes an option with an undefined variable

... and mentions a variable that is defined in one of the var files. It 
seems that those pre-tasks are not happening, a theory that is borne out by 
the fact that I usually see a status output listing the variables that have 
just been loaded, but I do not see that output when I specify a tag.

How can I get those variables to load and be available to the tagged tasks 
I am running?

If I put "tags: always" in the pre-tasks stanza, it appears to set the tag 
on the whole playbook, as everything runs, it doesn't just always load the 

Regards, K.

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