On Saturday, 14 April 2018 10.01.38 CEST Agoston Bejo wrote:
> Version a)
> - name: create the file as root
>   shell: 'echo "Test_string" > /root/test.txt'
>   remote_user: root
> - name: replace '_' with '-' in the file
>   replace: 
>     path: "/root/test.txt"
>     regexp: '_'
>     replace: '-'
>     backup: no
> ==> it fails, because the replace task doesn't accept either remote_user or 
> sudo_user as a parameter, so it can only be run as the user running the 
> playbook, and that user can't modify a file created by root

remote_user and become_user(sudo_user is depricated) is a directive for the 
task, not the module so you indentation is probably wrong.
They must be on the same level as replace.

Kai Stian Olstad

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