Thanks for the tip Larry.

I wanted to create my own module as I am learning Ansible.

In any case, I managed to get it done by splitting each type of permission 
into its own variable. I think a combined string with too many quotes 
caused some parsing issues.


On Saturday, 14 April 2018 15:05:09 UTC+10, Larry Smith wrote:
> Try to use the Ansible rabbitmq_user module as this will be much easier to 
> accomplish your needs.
> On Friday, April 13, 2018 at 9:48:15 AM UTC-4, Shaun Lim wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm new to Ansible and am trying to use some variables with quotes. The 
>> command I'm trying to run is as follows:
>> rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /vhost username ".*" ".*" ".*"
>> To do this, I'm trying to use the command module. If I include the 
>> command exactly as above, the command runs successfully but I'm trying to 
>> make this reusable so I've changed a few of those into variables instead. 
>> My task currently looks like this:
>> - name: Set user permissions on RabbitMQ
>>   become: yes
>>   command: rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /"{{ rabbitVhost }}" "{{ 
>> rabbitUser }}" "{{ rabbitAcl }}"
>> I can't seem to get this to work. I've tried sending the parameters like 
>> this:
>> ansible-playbook rabbit.yml 
>> --extra-vars='{"rabbitUser":"shaun","rabbitSecret":"P@ssw0rd","rabbitVhost":"sensu","rabbitAcl":"\\\".*\\\"
>> \\\".*\\\" \\\".*\\\""}'
>> The error I get is as below and it looks like the parameters are being 
>> set correctly:
>> fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
>>     "changed": true,
>>     "cmd": [
>>         "rabbitmqctl",
>>         "set_permissions",
>>         "-p",
>>         "/sensu",
>>         "shaun",
>>         "\".*\" \".*\" \".*\""
>>     ],
>>     "delta": "0:00:00.691783",
>>     "end": "2018-04-13 23:37:49.505521",
>>     "invocation": {
>>         "module_args": {
>>             "_raw_params": "rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /\"sensu\" 
>> \"shaun\" \"\\\".*\\\" \\\".*\\\" \\\".*\\\"\"",
>>             "_uses_shell": false,
>>             "chdir": null,
>>             "creates": null,
>>             "executable": null,
>>             "removes": null,
>>             "stdin": null,
>>             "warn": true
>>         }
>>     },
>>     "msg": "non-zero return code",
>>     "rc": 64,
>>     "start": "2018-04-13 23:37:48.813738",
>>     "stderr": "Error: operation set_permissions used with invalid 
>> parameter: [\"shaun\",\n                                                   
>>             \"\\\".*\\\" \\\".*\\\" \\\".*\\\"\"]",
>>     "stderr_lines": [
>>         "Error: operation set_permissions used with invalid parameter: 
>> [\"shaun\",",
>>         "                                                               
>> \"\\\".*\\\" \\\".*\\\" \\\".*\\\"\"]"
>>     ],
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> Thanks.
>> Regards,
>> Shaun

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