On 20.05.2018 07:48, BIJAY PARIDA wrote:
I have two files file1.yml and file2.yml which I am passing from the
deployment level.

I want to verify that all the values of the file1 matches to a string else
exits with error message, same with the 2nd file.

file1.yml (value field is same)

"item1" : "value"
"item2" : "value"
"item3" : "value"

file2.yml (value2 field is same)

"item1" : "value2"
"item2" : "value2"
"item3" : "value2"

Both value1 and value2 are different and I want to check the respective
files and their values.

And assert the condition file1.values | uniqe == value1

Not pretty but it should get the job done.

  - include_vars:
      file: file1.yml
      name: file1

  - set_fact:
      file1values: "{{ file1values | default([]) + [item.1] }}"
      - "{{ file1 | dictsort }}"

  - assert:
        that: file1values | unique | length == 1

Kai Stian Olstad

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