On 21.05.2018 17:51, Kannappan M wrote:
When i try to shutdown the connected node using ansible am getting
the  below  error  kindly   assist

128  ansible iaf -m shell "/usr/sbin/shutdown -h now" -b
  129  ansible iaf -m shell "/usr/sbin/shutdown -h now" --become
  130  ansible iaf -m shell '/usr/sbin/shutdown -h now' --become

None of these are valid, they are missing -a, and Ansible should write an error message.

 154  ansible iaf -a "/usr/sbin/shutdown -h now" --become

This one has the correct syntax.

  155  ansible iaf -a "sudo /usr/sbin/shutdown -h now"

This should work, but I would recommend the previous one.

for the  155  command  am  getting  message  as  user  is  not in the
sudoers  list

but i have already made an entry in sudoers file and also added
to  wheel  group

cat /etc/group |grep wheel


Does sudo work when you login manually and test?
Are you sure you are using the user tester in Ansible?

And you need to run ansible with -vvvv to get some more verbose output about what is happing.

Kai Stian Olstad

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