Hi Pranay,

  if i use the  package_status.results as "as below "in my play book, and 
the output is as below but what we need a is clean message " Package < 
pakage name> Missing".

TASK [debug] 
fatal: [we1t1te02003p]: FAILED! => {"msg": "'package_status' is undefined"}

*Play Book*
- hosts: all
  become: true
  become_method: sudo
  gather_facts: no
  - "/home/ansible/.ansible/target.yml"

  - name: Check the required OS Packages are installed
    shell: /usr/bin/zypper -q search -is {{ item.pname }} warn=no
      - { pname: '"bing"'}
      - { pname: '"bonnie"' }
    register: package_status
*  - debug: msg="Package {{ item.item.pname }} Missing"*
*    with_items: "{{ package_status.results }}"*
    failed_when: package_status.rc != 0
    changed_when: false
    ignore_errors: True
    tags: package

On Monday, May 28, 2018 at 3:05:33 AM UTC+8, Pranay Nanda wrote:
> Use package_status.results
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37925282/iteration-using-with-items-and-register
> On Monday, 28 May 2018 00:32:17 UTC+5:30, Vino B wrote:
>> Hi All
>>   Request your help on where to put the debug statement 
>> Requirement 1:
>> If a package is missing the output should be like "Package {{ package 
>> name }} missing" 
>> When debug is used the task name does not display instead the task is 
>> named as "debug" 
>> TASK[Check the required OS Packages are installed] is not displayed when 
>> using debug
>> TASK [debug] Display this as a task name
>> Play Book
>> ---
>> - hosts: all
>>   become: true
>>   become_method: sudo
>>   gather_facts: no
>>    vars_files:
>>   - "/home/ansible/.ansible/target.yml"
>>   tasks:
>>   - name: Check the required OS Packages are installed
>>     shell: /usr/bin/zypper -q search -is {{ item.pname }} warn=no
>>     with_items:
>>       - { pname: '"bing"'}
>>       - { pname: '"bonnie"' }
>>     register: package_status
>>     failed_when: package_status.rc != 0
>>     changed_when: false
>>     ignore_errors: True
>>     tags: package

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