On Thursday, 13 September 2018 20.41.29 CEST Jamie Williams wrote:
> Is that the best practice or the "standard" way people solve this issue?

Best is a vague term IMHO, best in what? It all comes down to the requirement.
Both works great and you should be up an running in no time. And since Ansible 
doesn't support it you need some external tools.

My requirement was to run as many playbook in parallel as possible to reduce 
total run time, but only run one playbook against the same host at any one time.
To solve that I create a Python script that "parsed" all the playbook to 
identified which host they run against and the created python threads that 
executed as many ansible-playbook in parallel as possible.

The script is not very sophisticated, it was the first time I used thread in 
Python, developer using Python would probably frown at the code and it could be 
more clever to run even more playbooks in parallel, but it solved my 
requirement so I'm happy.

> Is AWX/Tower not usable with this approach?

You should probably ask the AWX list that question.

Kai Stian Olstad

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