Hey all,

take a look at this and lemme know where I'm hosed at.  The errors are a
bit misleading:

- name: Check who needs reboots
  hosts: ALL_RHEL
  become: yes

    - passwd.yml
    - vars.yml

    - name: check packages for updates
      shell: yum list updates | awk 'f;/Updated Packages/{f=1;}' | awk '{
print $1 }'
      changed_when: updates.stdout > "0"
        warn: false
      register: updates

    - name: display count
        msg: "Found {{ updates.stdout_lines | length }} packages to be
updated:\n\n{{ updates.stdout }}"

    - when: updates.stdout > "0"
        - name: install updates using yum
            name: "*"
            state: latest
          async: 45
          poll: 0

        - name: install yum-utils
            name: yum-utils

        - name: check if reboot is required RHEL7
          shell: needs-restarting -r
          failed_when: false
          register: reboot_required
          changed_when: false
            - ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
            - ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('7', '=')

        - name: check if reboot is reqd RHEL6
          shell: LAST_KERNEL=$(rpm -q --last kernel | awk
'NR==1{sub(/kernel-/,""); print $1}'); CURRENT_KERNEL=$(uname -r); if [
$LAST_KERNEL != $CURRENT_KERNEL ]; then echo 'reboot'; else echo 'no'; fi
          failed_when: false
          register: reboot_required
          changed_when: false
            - ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
            - ansible_distribution_major_version | version_compare('6', '=')

    - when: #(updates.stdout_lines | length > 0 and reboot_required.rc !=
0) or
        - reboot_required.stdout == "reboot"
        - name: reboot the server if required
          shell: sleep 3; reboot
          ignore_errors: true
          changed_when: false
          async: 1
          poll: 0

        - name: wait for server to come back after reboot
            timeout: 600
            delay: 20
          register: reboot_result

        - name: reboot time
            msg: "The system rebooted in {{ reboot_result.elapsed }}

Here's the part where it dies:  The RHEL6 check doesn't seem to be running
like it's supposed to.

TASK [install yum-utils]
skipping: [baseserver-lx]

TASK [check if reboot is required RHEL7]
skipping: [baseserver-lx]

*TASK [check if reboot is reqd RHEL6] *
skipping: [baseserver-lx]

TASK [reboot the server if required]
fatal: [baseserver-lx.swpc.noaa.gov]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional
check 'reboot_required.stdout == \"reboot\"' failed. The error was: error
while evaluating conditional (reboot_required.stdout == \"reboot\"): 'dict
object' has no attribute 'stdout'\n\nThe error appears to have been in
'/etc/ansible/roles/needs-reboot.yml': line 57, column 11, but may\nbe
elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe
offending line appears to be:\n\n      block:\n        - name: reboot the
server if required\n          ^ here\n"}

TASK [wait for server to come back after reboot]
fatal: [baseserver-lx]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check
'reboot_required.stdout == \"reboot\"' failed. The error was: error while
evaluating conditional (reboot_required.stdout == \"reboot\"): 'dict
object' has no attribute 'stdout'\n\nThe error appears to have been in
'/etc/ansible/roles/needs-reboot.yml': line 64, column 11, but may\nbe
elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe
offending line appears to be:\n\n\n        - name: wait for server to come
back after reboot\n          ^ here\n"}

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