
I'm just beginning discovery of using ansible in my environment, and am 
trying to get an understanding of its capabilities.

I've been trying to figure out how to send command to generic network 
devices.  That is devices with no module, and not an option in 
ansible_network_os.   For example, old HP Procurve switches, or menu driven 
devices such as Adtran muxes.

I assume I'll be a little limited to what I can do, but I would think that 
raw and/or expect could be made to work

The errors I'm getting are similar to:

"stderr": "/bin/sh: 1: -c not found\n",

I've tried it adhoc like:

ansible TEST -c local -u username -k -m raw -a "show run"    #  Not the 
actual command,  I'm doing it from memory

or in a playbook such as:


  hosts: TEST
  connection: local  # or network_cli
  gather_facts: no

     username: username   # when attempting network_cli

     ansible_ssh_pass:  password123   # when attempting network_cli

    - name:  Testing
      raw: show run
      #  I've also tried adding args:  executable: "", but same results.

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