On 06.04.2019 07:03, Lucas Possamai wrote:
So.. doing some tests.

Playbook is as follow:

- name: Oracle Database Snapshots
  hosts: dbservers
  remote_user: oracle
  sudo: true
  sudo_user: root
    - vars/arrays.yaml
    - vars/database.yaml


# Take Snapshot of database volumes
    - include: tasks/take_snapshot.yaml
      run_once: yes


# Perform PURE Flasharray Database snapshots
- name: perform PURE volume snapshot
    name: db2-prod-oracledb
    suffix: snap
    fa_url: "{{ fa_url }}"
    api_token: "{{ apiToken }}"

Now, if I replace "*hosts: dbservers*" for "*hosts: localhost*", it works.
So that means it was indeed trying to connect to "*dbservers*" and then
running the commands.

As I explained to you in a previous mail :-)
This is how must modules work, they run on remote host unless hosts: localhost, connection: local or delegate_to: localhost is set somewhere.

I did check the dbservers host and I can see purestorage sdk is also
installed there.

oracle[DR]@db2:~$pip freeze |grep purestorage
DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st,
2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after
that date. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7.

How can I fix the missing purestorage sdk error?  It is an RHEL 6.7.

Or just keep "hosts: dbservers" and add "delegate_to: localhost" on the purefa_snap task. Then you don't have to deal the SDK on the remote machine since the module Python code is run on localhost.

Kai Stian Olstad

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