I am confused how Ansible Expect Module will work in my use case.


Is this the Expect Module you mentioned?

>From what I can gather, the Expect Module

1. Connects to remote device and immediately sends the command

2. Look for a set of responses

3. When a response is matched, it sends the corresponding response value

What I need is:

1. Connect to remote device

2. Look for the remote prompt

3. Sends the command

4. Return the command result to the caller

Can you please provive a short example of sending a "ps" command that runs
on the remote device using Ansible Expect Module?

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 10:58 PM Kai Stian Olstad <
ansible-project+l...@olstad.com> wrote:

> On 01.08.2019 00:24, Kenneth Wong wrote:
> > Thanks Kai  for your response.
> > Just for clarification. Can Ansible support the following scenario?
> > 1. Ansible ssh into a remote system using username/password.
> > 2. Ansible waits for a specific prompt from the remote side.
> > 3. Ansible than sends the command.
> > 4. Ansible wait for the command response and return the output to the
> > caller.
> > I have a simple Python script using the Paramiko library to perform the
> > above operations.
> > But I am hoping I can use Ansible directly for this to interact with
> > number
> > of remote servers.
> > I looked at the Ansible expect module example and seems like it first
> > sends
> > the command and than look for some response and sends the corresponding
> > response.
> > I also saw the cli_command and that seems to have the interaction I
> > needed
> > but it seemed to be only for network devices.
> The expect module is perfect for this.
> Instead of letting Ansible do ssh you, you set the task to "delegate_to:
> localhost" and let expect do ssh as the command.
> --
> Kai Stian Olstad
> --
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