On Wed, 11 Sep 2019 00:22:50 -0700 (PDT)
Kamesh Sampath <ksamp...@redhat.com> wrote:

> I am trying to use `set_fact` with `until` and `retries`, will the fact be 
> evaluated and set during each iteration ? Sometimes I see the value is not 
> being set and I get the failure after the retries. While I see the 
> corresponding lookup returns value using another cli.
> - name: "Get Che Keycloak facts"
> >   set_fact:
> >     che_keycloak: 
> > "{{ lookup('k8s', 
> > api_version='route.openshift.io/v1',kind='Route',resource_name='keycloak',namespace='che')
> >  }}"
> >   register: che_keycloak_route_result
> >   until: che_keycloak.spec is defined
> >   retries: 30
> >   delay: 10
> >   when: state == 'present'

Yes. The the fact will be evaluated and set on each iteration. The problem is
that "set_fact" declares the variable "che_keycloak". The condition

      until: che_keycloak.spec is defined

can't find the parameter "spec" because there isn't any.



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