I have an ansible play that fetches multiline data from the database and 
registers it a variable "command_result"

command_result variable has has data like below.



I need to loop through each line of command_result. Pick the host list for 
example host6,host5 and execute shell script using shell module by passing 
respective argument string i.e arg3.

Likewise, the second shell script should run on  host4 & host3 and pass 
arg1 to the shell script. 

The final shell script hould run on  host1, host2 & host5 and pass arg2 to 
the shell script. 

   - name: Add hosts
       name: "{{ item.split('\t')[0] }}"
       file_dets: "{{ item.split('\t')[1] }}"

       ansible_host: localhost

       ansible_connection: local
       groups: dest_nodes
     with_items: "{{ command_result.stdout_lines }}"

- hosts: dest_nodes
  gather_facts: false
    - debug:
        msg: Run the shell script with the arguments `{{ file_dets }}` here"

This works fine when there is a single host in  item.split('\t')[0]

However, I do not know the approach when there are multiple hosts like 
host6,host5 for {{ item.split('\t')[0] }}

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