Hi All,

I'm trying to restart jetty using an ansible script

bellow is a snippet from my script

  - hosts: all

     - name: start jetty
       command: sh jetty.sh restart
         chdir: /apps/servers/jetty/bin

my inventory file is ansible_user=appusr ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/ec2-user/

What happens is ansible is able to restart the jetty server as expected. 
but once ansible script done it's execution jetty server stops.
Any Ideas why this would happen. I don't have the luxury to start jetty as 
a service here 'jetty start'. There are no error or sigkills in the jetty 
logs. ansible also shows Jetty Start : OK in it's stdrr output. Would be 
great if anyone could help me with this.


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