I'm trying to get a Red Hat server (RHEL7) to join a Windows Active 
Directory domain and I can't seem to get the expect command to send a 

The playbook asks for the username and password and should then put the 
username at the end of the adcl command
    adcli join example.com -U administratorName
This returns a prompt of  
    Password for administratorn...@example.com: 
The expect portion 'should'  see this and send the password
The ansible example is here    
   (# You can use shell to run other executables to perform actions inline)

I've added -v to the adcli command to try and check whats happening, but it 
didn't really shed any light.
Neither did ansible-playbook -vvv filename.yml, but maybe I just can't read 
it well. 
The example below has example.com instead of my actual domain but otherwise 
is identical.
Does anyone have any suggestions on why the expect/send portion isn't 

 - hosts:
     - name: username
       prompt: "What is your Active Directory administrator username?"
       private: no
     - name: password
       prompt: "What is your administrator password?"
       private: yes    
    - name: join the domain
      shell: | 
        set timeout 300
        spawn /usr/sbin/adcli -v join example.com -U {{username}}
        expect "Password for {{username}}@EXAMPLE.COM: "  
        send "{{password}}\r"
        exit 0
        executable: /usr/bin/expect
      delegate_to: localhost

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