
Your testing looks fine in the test data model. However, the sssd_config 
real data model is like below:

        debug_level: 1 
        additional_key: additional_value
        another_addtional_key: another_additional_value
        reconnection_retries: 3 
        additional_key: additional_value
        another_addtional_key: another_additional_value
        debug_level: 5 
        additional_key: additional_value
        another_addtional_key: another_additional_value

The addtional_key and another_additional_key isn't same per section 
(pam,nss,sssd), and number of additional_key per section isn't identical 
either. So nss section may have 5 key/value pairs, pam may have 6 key/value 
pairs, and sssd may have only 3 key/value pairs. Each additional_key is 
pretty much unique to that section.

Because this is so difficult to manipulate in template (I spend most 
yesterday to figure it out), I think it is probably better just put 
INI-style content into template file, then fill in the values from 
variables that varies for that key/value pair. It makes the work more 

Thank you for providing the test case. I'll remember this lesson.

- Xinhuan

On Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 3:45:44 PM UTC-5, Vladimir Botka wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Jan 2020 11:57:49 -0800 (PST) 
> Xinhuan Zheng <xinhua...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > I tested the solution, it doesn't work. item.1 becomes: 
> > {u'id_provider': u'local', u'auth_provider': u'local', u'enumerate': 
> True} 
> > So I get error there is no keys on {{ item.1.keys().0 }} 
> Both versions works for me. Double-check the code. The playbook 
> - hosts: localhost 
>   vars: 
>     sssd_config: 
>       sssd: 
>         debug_level: 1 
>       nss: 
>         reconnection_retries: 3 
>       pam: 
>         debug_level: 5 
>   tasks: 
>     - template: 
>         src: template.j2 
>         dest: config.ini 
> with the template 
> % for item in sssd_config.items() %} 
> [{{ item.0 }}] 
> {{ item.1.keys().0 }}={{ item.1.values().0 }} 
> {% endfor %} 
> # ------------------------------------------ 
> {% for item in sssd_config.items() %} 
> [{{ item.0 }}] 
> {% for iitem in item.1.items() %} 
> {{ iitem.0 }}={{ iitem.1 }} 
> {% endfor %} 
> {% endfor %} 
> gives 
> [nss] 
> reconnection_retries=3 
> [pam] 
> debug_level=5 
> [sssd] 
> debug_level=1 
> # ------------------------------------------ 
> [nss] 
> reconnection_retries=3 
> [pam] 
> debug_level=5 
> [sssd] 
> debug_level=1 
> -- 

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