I have problem run openldap show error message, how to solved this problem 

ERROR! conflicting action statements: copy, force

The error appears to be in '/home/sandy/phpldapadmin.yml': line 68, column 
6, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

   - name: Copy file config.php
     ^ here

This is my ansible 

 - hosts: all
   remote_user: sandy
   become: true

     - name: install openldap
       apt: name=slapd update_cache=yes

     - name: install openldap
       apt: name=ldap-utils update_cache=yes

     - name: install phpldapadmin
       apt: name=phpldapadmin update_cache=yes

     - name: check openldap is running
       service: name=slapd state=started

     - name: Enabling LDAPS
       shell: SLAPD_SERVICES="ldap:// ldaps:/// ldapi:///"

     - name: Set a password for the admin user
         dn: cn=admin,dc=abagile,dc=com
         passwd: "{{ vault_secret }}"

     - name: Setting passwords in admin
          dn: "{{ item.key }}"
          passwd: "{{ item.value }}"
          alice: alice123123
          bob:   "|30b!"
          admin: "{{ vault_secret }}"

     - name: Testing the above LDAPS config
       shell: ldapsearch -d 9 -D "ou=users,dc=abagile,dc=com" \ -w password 
-b "dc=ababile,dc=com" -H "ldaps://ldaptest.abagile.com" "objectCllass=*"

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