I have a list of users defined as variable on my inventory.

I want to create a task that checks if for each user exists a file in a 
folder if it exists will run a task if not will run an other task. I have a 
task that add the user with password if password exists and no ssh key is 
found and another that adds the user with both password and key.

This one checks if there is an ssh key defined for the client:

- name: Add sftp users
    - name: Check if diapason folder exists
        path: "SYMPHONY_HOME + '/config/ssh_keys/clients/keys/{{ 
item.ssh_key }}.pub"
      register: sshkey_status
      with_items: "{{ sftp_users }}"

And then I want to use the info in a conditional

- name: Add sftp users with ssh key
            name: "{{ item.remote_user }}"
            state: "{{ item.state | default('present') }}"
            shell: /usr/bin/false
            skeleton: yes
            group: "{{ item.remote_user }}"
              - sftpgroup
          with_items: "{{ sftp_users }}"
          when: (item.state != "absent") and (sshkey_status.stat.exists == 

The problem is that sshkey_status is a variable with a list for each user 
from the user list and I cannot use it like that. I have te required info 
there but not sure how to get to it in the when statement.

Can somebody point me towards a working direction.

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