So I wondering if ansible supports s3, from what I see it does but I just 
might not understand how to do it. Im a novice at Ansible, esp in the realm 
of using it in conjunction  with AWS.

So I *think* I have to create a role and call it in my playbook?

my role for learning is: s3-create.yml
- name: Create S3 Bucket
    bucket: my-bucket
    mode: create
    permission: private-read
    region: us-east-1

my playbook:
  key_name: my-key
      vpc_subnet_id: subnet-02439
        - s3-create
      assign_public_ip: yes
      group:  my-group

when I run it, I get this: 

EntePLAY [Test creating ec2 instance with Ansible] 

TASK [Gathering Facts] 
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Start New ec2 Instance] 
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Unsupported 
parameters for (ec2) module: roles Supported parameters include: 
assign_public_ip, aws_access_key, aws_secret_key, count, count_tag, 
debug_botocore_endpoint_logs, ebs_optimized, ec2_url, exact_count, group, 
group_id, id, image, instance_ids, instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior, 
instance_profile_name, instance_tags, instance_type, kernel, key_name, 
monitoring, network_interfaces, placement_group, private_ip, profile, 
ramdisk, region, security_token, source_dest_check, spot_launch_group, 
spot_price, spot_type, spot_wait_timeout, state, tenancy, 
termination_protection, user_data, validate_certs, volumes, vpc_subnet_id, 
wait, wait_timeout, zone"}

localhost                  : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    
failed=1    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
r code here...

>From what I read, you cant do it, but that contradicts ansible's docs so I 
think I just dont know what I am doing..

any help would be appreciated..

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