I have a playbook where I load a variable file 

cat vars/BASE.yaml

EXCLUDE_front: value1
EXCLUDE_back: value2

I run my test.yml playbook using this command:

ansible-playbook test.yml -e Layer="back" -e base_folder="/tmp"

- name: Load a variable file"
    file: "vars/BASE.yaml"

- name: Collect data
  shell: "cd {{ base_folder }} && find . -type d \\( -name 'BACKUP' -o -name 
'vars[EXCLUDE_{{ Layer }}]' \\) -prune -o -type f -exec cksum {} + | awk 
  register: outputfiles

I also tried 

  shell: "cd {{ base_folder }} && find . -type d \\( -name 'BACKUP' -o 
-name 'vars[EXCLUDE_ + Layer ]' \\) -prune -o -type f -exec cksum {} + | 
awk '{$1=\"\"}1'"


  shell: "cd {{ base_folder }} && find . -type d \\( -name 'BACKUP' -o 
-name 'vars[EXCLUDE_ ~ Layer ]' \\) -prune -o -type f -exec cksum {} + | 
awk '{$1=\"\"}1'"

however,  instead of loading value1 or value2, I get the below nature of 

"The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 
> 'EXCLUDE_' is undefined\n\nT

Can you please suggest what is wrong with my playbook? 

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