Below is my playbook:

   - set_fact:
       excludefolders: "{{ excludefolders + ' -o -name ' + item | 
default('') }}"
     with_items: "{{ lookup('vars', 'EXCLUDE_' + Layer).split(',') }}"

   - debug:
       msg: "excludedfolder is {{ excludefolders }}"

I get the below output

ok: [] => { "msg": "excludedfolder is -o -name custom -o -name tree 
-o -name log"

However i want the variable to have single quotes around item like below:

Expected output:

ok: [] => { "msg": "excludedfolder is -o -name 'custom' -o -name 
'tree' -o -name 'log'"

I tried to use escape charecter for single quotes but none of them worked. 
Below is what  tried.

   - set_fact:
       excludefolders: "{{ excludefolders + ' -o -name ' + \' + item + \' 
 | default('') }}"
     with_items: "{{ lookup('vars', 'EXCLUDE_' + Layer).split(',') }}"

   - set_fact:
       excludefolders: "{{ excludefolders + ' -o -name ' ~ \' + item ~ \' 
 | default('') }}"
     with_items: "{{ lookup('vars', 'EXCLUDE_' + Layer).split(',') }}"

   - set_fact:
       excludefolders: "{{ excludefolders + ' -o -name \''  + item +'\''  | 
default('') }}"
     with_items: "{{ lookup('vars', 'EXCLUDE_' + Layer).split(',') }}"

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