I'm trying to get the IP address of one of my remote hosts by querying my 
controller machine's /etc/hosts file which happens to contain the IP 
addresses of all the servers I build with Ansible.  My Ansible playbook 
looks like this:

hosts: all
gather_facts: yes
become: yes

  - name: get file server's IP address
    command: "grep prod-fs1 /etc/hosts | awk '{ print $0 }'"
    register: fs_ip_addr
    delegate_to: localhost

  - debug: var={{ fs_ip_addr }}

However, I'm getting this error which I don't know how to fix:

TASK [get file server's IP address] 
fatal: [prod-web1.example.com -> localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, 
"cmd": ["grep", "prod-fs1", "/etc/hosts", "|", "awk", "{ print $0 }"], 
"delta": "0:00:00.010303", "end": "2020-03-03 12:24:36.207656", "msg": 
"non-zero return code", "rc": 2, "start": "2020-03-03 12:24:36.197353", 
"stderr": "grep: |: No such file or directory\ngrep: awk: No such file or 
directory\ngrep: { print $0 }: No such file or directory", "stderr_lines": 
["grep: |: No such file or directory", "grep: awk: No such file or 
directory", "grep: { print $0 }: No such file or directory"], "stdout": 
"/etc/hosts:    prod-fs1.example.com    prod-fs1", 
"stdout_lines": ["/etc/hosts:    prod-fs1.example.com   

prod-web1.example.com : ok=7    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1   
 skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0;p

It appears that the error is caused by the pipe symbol which is why I 
enclosed the entire command in double quotes.  But the error occurs even if 
I remove them.

I should add that I know I could use this method of getting the IP address 
of my file server...

   - name: get file server's IP address
     set_fact: fs_ip_addr=hostvars[groups['fileservers'][0]]['ansible_eth0

However, this option isn't available to me since I have to call the 
playbook with the "limit" argument which cause the variable to not be 

deploy-webservers.yml -I inventory -l webservers

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