I would like, if it's possible, to not change the task itself, only the 

Thank you, 
Have a nice day even in these difficult times

Le lundi 23 mars 2020 17:42:29 UTC+1, Quentin Aveno a écrit :
> Hi !
> Is there any way to omit a item in Citer le message d'origine 
> <javascript:;>a list at the declaration ?
> - name: "Test"
>   hosts: localhost
>   vars:
>     test1: false
>     test2:
>       - name: test21
>         includes:
>           - { file: "file221.j2", path: "/somewhere/" }
>           - { file: "file222.j2", path: "/somewhere/" }
>           - "{{ ( test1 | ternary ({ 'file': 'file223.j2', 'path': 
> '/somewhere/' }, *omit*) ) }}"
>   tasks:
>     - debug:
>         var: test2
>     - debug:
>         msg: "{{ item.1.path + item.1.file }}"
>       with_subelements:
>         - "{{ test2 }}"
>         - "includes"

Le lundi 23 mars 2020 17:42:29 UTC+1, Quentin Aveno a écrit :
> Hi !
> Is there any way to omit a item in a list at the declaration ?
> - name: "Test"
>   hosts: localhost
>   vars:
>     test1: false
>     test2:
>       - name: test21
>         includes:
>           - { file: "file221.j2", path: "/somewhere/" }
>           - { file: "file222.j2", path: "/somewhere/" }
>           - "{{ ( test1 | ternary ({ 'file': 'file223.j2', 'path': 
> '/somewhere/' }, *omit*) ) }}"
>   tasks:
>     - debug:
>         var: test2
>     - debug:
>         msg: "{{ item.1.path + item.1.file }}"
>       with_subelements:
>         - "{{ test2 }}"
>         - "includes"

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