I got this error for below code - FAILED! => {"msg": "template error while 
templating string: expected token 'end of print statement', got '='. 
String: {{ var=oom.stdout }}"} 

Please suggest , i am trying to get pid from shell cmd & then update it 
with echo 

- hosts: temp
>   gather_facts: yes
>   become: yes
>   remote_user: root
>   tasks:
>    - name: Capture uname ouput
>      shell: "uname"
>      register: os_type
>    - name: Adjust OOM to negative so that OOM killer does not kill below 
> processes
>      shell: 'ps -ef|egrep 
> "sssd|wdmd|portreserve|autofs|automount|ypbind|rpcbind|rpc.statd|rpc.mountd|rpc.idampd|ntpd|lmgrd|Xvnc|vncconfig|irqblance|rpc.rquotad|metric|nscd|crond|snpslmd|getpwname.pl|mysqld|rsyslogd|xinetd|sendmail|lsf|tigervnc|tightvnc|cfadm"
> |egrep -ve "ps|egrep" |awk "{print \$2}"'
>      register: oom
>      when: os_type.stdout == 'Linux'
>    - debug:  var=oom.stdout
>    - name: update the pid 
>      raw: echo -17 > /proc/{{ item.pid }}/oom_adj
> with_items:
>    - "{{ var=oom.stdout }}"

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