
I need to check status of VMware tools on vms & if VMware tools are not 
running, then reboot the vm. I have below playbook which works fine to find 
vm name & VMware tools status. Please help on how can i extract the vm name 
& take action as per status.  

Note : i have to use the VMware modules as the OS typically will be in hung 
status ( hence tools not running ) , hence avoid user OS level task ( and 
use VMware task ) 


> - hosts: localhost
>   gather_facts: false
>   connection: local
>   collections:
>   - community.vmware
>   - community.general
>   vars_files:
>     - ./vars/vmware_vars.yml
>   vars:
>     vm_list:
>       - vm1
>       - vm2
>   tasks:
>     - name: Gather VM info
>       vmware_guest_info:
>         hostname: "{{ vcenter_server }}"
>         username: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
>         password: "{{ vcenter_pass }}"
>         datacenter: "{{ vcenter_datacenter }}"
>         validate_certs: no
>         name: "{{ item }}"
>       register: vm_info
>       with_items: "{{ vm_list }}"
>     - name: Tools status all
>       debug:
>         msg: "{{ vm_info.results  | json_query(jmesquery) }}"
>       vars:
>         jmesquery: "[?instance.hw_name == '{{ item 
> }}'].instance.guest_tools_status"
>       with_items: "{{ vm_list }}"

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