Zaldy B schrieb am 23.04.20 um 05:45:
> HI Brian,
> Thank you for the reply. 
> I did the 5v's as you mentioned, and dont know why it is saying that the 
> hosts does not match. 
> TEMPLATES]# cp IOS_telnet.yaml /etc/ansible/
> [root@spm6637 TEMPLATES]# ansible-playbook -i Cisco_Telnet IOS_telnet.yaml


-i is not to be followed by a hostname the playbook will be excuted on,
but by an inventory list (either a file name or a host list). You have
to specify the hosts file here, at least that is what the first WARNING
is about

>  [WARNING]: Unable to parse /etc/ansible/TEMPLATES/Cisco_Telnet as an 
> inventory source

The rest is a follow-up error: since the mentioned inventory list has
not been found, there is no 'all' host group and no host other than
'localhost' at all.

>  [WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
>  [WARNING]: provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available. Note 
> that the implicit localhost does not match 'all'
>  [WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: Cisco_Telnet

My proposal: you should skip the "-i Cisco_Telnet" part of the
commandline and instead put the hostname inside the playbook.

> PLAY [Telnet do show version for IOS] 
> ***********************************************************************************************************************
> skipping: no hosts matched
> **************************************************************************************************************************************************
> I tried pinging it, and it was successful.
> TEMPLATES]# ansible Cisco_Telnet -m ping
> d2c2e-be-ag249-o | SUCCESS => {
>     "changed": false, 
>     "ping": "pong"
> TEMPLATES]# ansible --list-host  Cisco_Telnet
>   hosts (1):
>     d2c2e-be-ag249-o
> On Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 1:04:54 AM UTC-4, Brian Coca wrote:
>> for telnet use 5 v's (-vvvvv) , 3 won't show anything about the task. 
>> -- 
>> ---------- 
>> Brian Coca 


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